Hey there, friends! In this post, we are going to discuss the J1772 inlet - which is a very neat part of an Ladegerät für Elektroautos. That's one thing of the two important items that I want to discuss with you, as an EV driver
Wired berichtet, dass der Elektroautohersteller Think im kommenden Januar mit der Produktion seines neuen Mini-Autos City beginnt, das mit einem in Arbeit befindlichen J1772-Anschluss ausgestattet ist. Die Antwort ist ganz einfach! Das ist eine ziemlich große Sache, denn damit können wir Elektroautos sicher und schnell aufladen! Das Netzwerk von Ladegeräten für Elektroautos wird immer wichtiger, insbesondere wenn die Menschen weiterhin mehr davon kaufen als herkömmliche Autos. AOTAI ev ladeanschluss Ein nützliches Feature des Electric Vehicle World-Projekts besteht in der Verwendung eines J1772-Einlasses und von ZEROcandor. Eine COXNUMX-freie Möglichkeit, dies zu tun – falls erforderlich.
Dennoch schätzen wir den J1772-Anschluss – gute Sicherheit und Kompatibilität –, da er das Aufladen kinderleicht macht. Wenn Sie Ihr Elektroauto anschließen: keine Funken, und es funktioniert nicht, wenn es ein Problem mit der Elektrizität gibt. Das ist eine große Erleichterung! Der J1772-Anschluss ist Standard für viele Arten von Elektroautos, also funktioniert er mit allen Fahrzeugen! Unglaublich schnell, tatsächlich kann es innerhalb einer Stunde sein, Ihr Auto aufzuladen. Dieses AOTAI EV-Ladeadapter bedeutet auch, dass das Aufladen Ihres Autos so schnell wie möglich erfolgt und Ihnen das Fahren nie langweilig wird, sondern nur noch das Warten auf den Ladevorgang.
But now, lets go over how to use the J1772 inlet! It’s actually quite easy! Step 1 Locating a J1772 Charging Station, which most companies provide you with right outside your residence.
Currently, To ensure the best way to charge your EV there are some tips that you apply and get creative with. Example you can Charge your car during a certain hour of the day. Off-peak rates, available in many utilities' electric companies for example, can be very strong motivators as well.
AOTAI Industry Co. Limited is based in Shenzhen, one of the most innovative cities in China since 2005. It is a top electric vehicle charging company that provides the best solution for power solutions to its customers. With 18+ Years of RD experience and 300+ Sets of J1772 inlet products Our electric vehicle charging equipments have been exported to over 80 countries and regions across the globe. It has more than 1000 installations for clients.
The company owns top of the line test equipment for product development and testing equipment. An J1772 inlet and scientific management plan, ingenuous cooperation concepts, and an extensive after-sales and pre-sales service system have signed long-term stable cooperation agreements with several domestic complete electrical and electrical engineering companies. Our quality system is well-established and the standard of our production process is closely monitored by different personnel.
The company has in recent times it has been focusing on research, development and production of energy-efficient products. The company has developed a brand new charger for vehicles that is energy efficient. The latest models of charger adapter and connector are compliant with European standards, American standards and Japanese standards. Recently, our products have been exported to Western Asian countries such as America, Europe, Southeast Asia, and the United States. We have also got an excellent reputation for high quality and faith and cooperation with J1772 inlet around the world.
J1772 inlet is a specialist in RD and production of EV Charging Cable, Portable EV Charger, EV Charger Adapter and Connector. All of these are extensively used in V2L Charging Stations Home Charging Stations, Fleet Charging Stations, EV Repair Shops, and much more. We are among the leading manufacturers in China. All of our products will be made in compliance with ISO and RoHS standards.